In Focus

5 Ways Stress Is Messing With Your Skin

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Chronic stress can drive your skin haywire. Here’s how the skin reflects stress and practical ways to calm it.

Our skin has a way of reacting to internal and external stress so much so, that it can lead to many skin conditions and disorders. Various studies have revealed that there’s a deeper connection between stress and our skin. Increased stress shoots up the level of cortisol hormone which results in anything from irritated skin to an outbreak of acne and pimples. While bottled serums and sheet masks can only offer temporary relief, to calm the imbalanced hormone battles underneath the surface of the skin, we need to cope up with the prevalent stress in our lives.

So, next time if a pimple pops out of nowhere, it’s time you do something about stress management. We’ve outlined five nasty ways stress messes up with your skin and how to keep looking flawless. Inflammation and Extra-Irritated Skin Skin conditions such as hives, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc., are a result of inflammation.

But, studies point out that when we are extremely stressed, our skin finds it difficult to stay balanced which sometimes causes these skin ailments. Fighting stress-induced inflammation is no rocket science. De-stress yourself, practice meditation or yoga, avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners, have lots of fruits and remain hydrated to get your gorgeous glow back.

Oily Skin and Acne

A sudden outbreak of stubborn pimples or increased production of oil or sebum around the nose and chin area is common. It’s one of the evil-effects of stress on your skin, especially in the case of women. When stress mixes up your skin’s nerve signals it leads to an increase in oil production. Removing stress completely out of your life could be tough, however, there are certain ways to combat it. Regular exercise or pursuing a hobby is a great way to calm stress.

Thinner Skin

The culprit, in this case, is ‘cortisol levels’, which when abnormally high can make your skin thinner and more sensitive. Also, known as hypercortisolism, this hormonal disorder can cause additional symptoms such as muscle weakness and a weak immune system. So, if you experience thinner skin, get yourself tested by a dermatologist or endocrinologist, as in most cases, medication can help in the management of cortisol levels.

Fine Lines

If you are used to making certain facial expressions, such as furrowing your brows or pursing your lips when you’re overstressed, this can lead to deeper wrinkles. Basically, it’s a sign of stress showing on your face. So, be mindful of making certain facial expressions. If you’re wondering how to combat this problem, well, face yoga is the way to go! It’s arguably safer than Botox and can counteract developing wrinkles and leave skin flexible and tight.

Exhausted Eyes and Orbital Skin

The prominent dark circles around eyes is something we all have experienced at some point in our lives. Besides sleep deprivation, orbital skin is also a sign of stress. Practising meditation or yoga and using essential oil diffusers or white noise machines are excellent ways to promote deeper, longer sleep. However, in case you are insomniac or if you struggle with any kind of sleep disorder, it’s advisable to seek a doctor’s advice.

While you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, you can certainly control the way you react to it. And, caring for your skin, is surely one of the effective ways to reclaim control on it.
