Nearly 2.3 million women die from breast cancer each year, making it the first or second leading cause of cancer deaths in 95 percent of countries. The Global...
In Focus
Scientists fear that new coronaviruses in the future could be highly transmissible as well as lethal, which may imperil the protection provided by current...
China’s SARS-CoV-2 outbreak spiked after the country ceased imposing sweeping lockdowns No novel SARS-Cov-2 variant has been reported from Beijing after...
Women in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal have the option to end their pregnancies, but access to safe abortion is limited Asia is often painted as less...
Study finds that 60 percent of patients do not survive beyond the first month As India has a high burden of stroke, a mobile health (mHealth) strategy used for...
111 newborn babies have died in Maharajganj district of the UP during the last 10 months, due in part to suspected pesticides in maternal milk Pesticides in...
Collective, the 2019 film, documents the 2015 Colectiv venue tragedy that claimed 64 lives and the ensuing year of crisis for Romania’s health system On...
Some of the chemicals were identified as plasticizers, fragrances, flame retardants, and pesticides which are commonly present in daily products Office workers...
According to latest Lancet study, 80 percent of snakebite deaths in the region happen on the road owing to different delays, particularly the shortage of...
That egg is a rich source of protein in both the white and yolk is well-known. It has now been established that it also keeps your heart healthy. In a recent...