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ChatGPT can be handy in sexual assault, mental health issues: study

ChatGPT can be handy in sexual assault, mental health

The research found that ChatGPT consistently provided evidence-based answers to public health questions, particularly in the areas of addiction, interpersonal violence, mental health, and physical health

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT can be enabled to address public health questions related to sexual assault and mental health issues, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open. 

The study found that ChatGPT consistently provided evidence-based answers to public health questions, particularly in the areas of addiction, interpersonal violence, mental health, and physical health. 

For example, when asked about quitting smoking, ChatGPT provided responses based on the US CDC’s guide to smoking cessation. The researchers noted that in most cases, ChatGPT’s responses mirrored the type of support that a subject matter expert might provide.

However, the study also highlighted areas where AI assistants like ChatGPT fall short. Only 22 percent of responses made referrals to specific resources that could help the questioner, despite the availability of resources for all the questions asked. Referrals to critical resources such as helpline numbers, which are essential in cases of sexual assault or mental health crises, were lacking.

To address these limitations, the researchers suggested that AI assistants like ChatGPT should establish partnerships with public health leaders to promote the use of recommended resources. Public health agencies could disseminate a database of recommended resources that AI assistants could incorporate into their responses. This collaboration between AI companies and public health agencies could ensure that users have the potential to connect with a human expert through appropriate referrals.

The study emphasized the importance of equipping the public with accurate and actionable health information, especially in the case of public health crises.

With the potential to provide evidence-based information and support, AI assistants like ChatGPT could play a crucial role in addressing mental health issues and assisting sexual assault victims. However, further development and refinement are necessary to maximize their impact and ensure they provide comprehensive and effective support.

Also Read: ‘We take great care of our physical well-being, but do little for our mental health’
