The need of the hour is a more holistic screening by a physician along with the services of a dentist, psychologist, and other paramedical staff Preventive...
Caregiver psychological well-being can be maintained by sharing responsibilities with family members, taking adequate breaks, and performing predictable...
Disparities in screening, treatment, and survival exist in the absence of a national screening programme Cervical cancer, caused mainly by Human Papillomavirus...
If a child or anyone in the family develops rashes that look like pimples or blisters, or have any other possible symptoms of monkeypox, they should contact...
Excessive cleaning kills the microbial life around and on us. Microbes protect us by competing with the infectious and harmful ones. Since the onset of the...
I, along with many others, considered the lockdown a haven for introverts. But soon the piercing arrow of reality burst my bubble. I’m an introvert girl In a...
What drives me to fight health misinformation is the hopelessness of my 12-year-old self. As a fact-checker, I take my job very seriously. I know that it can...
At the height of the first wave of COVID-19 in India viral videos suggested that Indians use home remedies such as clove, black pepper, caraway (ajwain), and...
Understanding how the internet and social media have changed out engagement with health (mis)information, and whether we, as individuals, can successfully...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer, the world’s most prevalent cancer. Here’s...